12 October 2006


I know that many people have fought over the years to get the right to vote extended to all people regardless of gender, race, religion, and other reasons.

I am told that it is supposedly "un-American" to not utilize the right to vote and have a say about who will lead the varying levels of government.

I know that we do not live in a Christian nation, but that I am to pray for those in leadership and submit to their authority.

I know politics is a major dividing factor in both our country as a whole and in the Christian church on a smaller scale. This should not be!

I know that politicians must compromise their convictions to truly represent the people that they have been elected to represent.

I believe that Christians are called and commissioned to preach the gospel and to reach out to help their brothers/sisters (the rest of humanity) in need.

Involvement in politics can be at the expense of those who have yet to hear the gospel. I would hate to have somebody reject the gospel because the presenter of the message happened to belong to the "wrong" political party.

Christians are to be in the world but not of the world. Christians are to set their eyes on things above and not on things of this world.

James 1:27 says "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Is this possible to accomplish without partaking in the voting process?

Can we truly impact our world for Christ and work towards transforming this world without getting involved in politics?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since politics is the base or foundation of our nation, I find it hard to believe one can make a strong impact without being heard by the policitians. I don't think you have to be a politician but need to inform them. Government is not based on the word of God even though everyone believes American was founded on Christian beliefs. Many people deceive themselves in thinking that American is a Christian nation. However, it does protect people and allows people to see the good of being protected and not prosecuted. Therefore it appears that many people see comfort as from God and a good thing. We live very comfortable wealthy lives and many feel that they deserve it and God is protecting them and making them prosper. Why am I in America and not Africa? I don't know. God has put me here for a reason and hopefully I can fulfill that purpose.

05 November, 2006 23:57  

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