21 July 2006

Life matters

Some recent reading has led me to the conclusion that how we live our lives is more important than what we believe. This may sound too liberal for some people, but let me try and explain.

The church has divided so many times over disagreements over theological statements that there are almost too many denominations to count. Currently their are denominations that may split over issues like gay marriage or female ordination.

Christians should be guided by love for one another and not a specific creed.

The Old Testament is the foundation upon which the New Testament is built upon. The New Testament is the completed revelation of God. The New Testament should be our guide for how to live. Christ and the early apostles called their followers to be servants to the rest of humanity (much like Israel was blessed to be a blessing). We are to seek first the Kingdom of God by feeding the hungry, giving clothes to the naked, giving drink to the thirsty, giving shelter to the homeless. Whatever we do for the least of these we do for Christ!

Maybe this call to using the Scripture alone as a guide to living is too simplistic but sometimes simple is better than complex.

The lives of Christians should be drastically different than non-Christians.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happens when a Christian fails to live up to the laws of the word? Are they to be condemned and punished? We all make mistakes and some are easier to forgive than others. Christians are so hard on each other. We need to each examine ourselves and see what God has called us to do and work toward that goal. But I agree with you that love is the key to living the Christian life. But love can be cruel and unforgiving at times. Is that the kind of love Christ wants us to adhere to? Maybe we are not strict enough or accountable enough with each other. I do know living a Christian life is hard and living at all can be difficult.

06 November, 2006 00:01  

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