24 July 2006

Are we guilty of ignoring?

I have been exchanging emails recently with a friend who took issue with my Peace post. It appears that I am ignoring part of the Old Testament by taking a stand against violence. God led Israel to war and God cannot be wrong.

I believe that war was allowed by God but not part of his plan.

Also, aren't we (as Christians) guilty of ignoring huge parts of the Old Testament by focusing on only 10 of the 613 commandments given by God to the chosen people?

I believe we can live holy/righteous lives in Christ without following Old Testament law literally. Our lives will be holy if we center them around loving God and loving neighbors/enemies.


Blogger matt said...

Hmm . . . does loving my neighbor ever involve protecting them against their enemies?

If a woman was being raped, is it wrong to inflict violence on her attacker in order to protect her?

Could fighting a war against those reigning terror on a weaker people be the most gracious thing possible?

Or would it be better if we wrote them a little poem expressing our undying love for them?

I think God called us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. I also agree we are to turn the other cheek. But turning the other cheek is more about not having a spirit of revenge or retaliation, rather than a spirit of nonviolence. If I read Revelation correctly, we do have a God of vengeance and violence against deeds of evil. Maybe we should be like our loving and perfect God by bringing violence on deeds of evil too?

29 July, 2006 14:52  
Blogger Justin said...

Vengeance is mine - sayeth the Lord
(from somewhere in the Bible, i think)

It is God's place to avenge evil not mankinds. We are called to live lives guided by love and to lay down our lives for others as Christ did. (my opinion)

29 July, 2006 20:05  
Blogger matt said...

So would you answer my first 2 questions please:

Does loving my neighbor ever involve protecting them against their enemies?

If a woman was being raped, is it wrong to inflict violence on her attacker in order to protect her?

Is that a Christ-like thing to do?

30 July, 2006 07:49  
Blogger Justin said...

the correct answer is maybe

i tend go on a case by case basis and see the need to consider such extreme examples that are likely to be applicable to my life

i might intervene, but not to the point of taking somebody's life

30 July, 2006 12:14  

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