21 July 2006

Communion or Common Union

Just as many individual grapes are crushed and processed to make wine, so we as individuals are to be processed from unholy to holy as part of the church.

Just as many individual grains are crushed and processed to make bread, so we as individuals are to be processed from unholy to holy as part of the church.

It is common practice in many churches to practice open-communion. By this they mean that anybody who claims Christ as Saviour may participate. For most of my life I have participated in communion in multiple denominations.

Recently, I have begun to think that communion is not only a memorial of what Christ did for the Church on the cross but it is also a commitment to the common beliefs held with those that we are participating in communion with.

[For example, I agree with the Catholic church for saying that they will withhold communion from politicians supporting legislation for abortion, but why stop there. Why doesn't the church withhold communion from all civil servants. Due to their duties there are multiple things that they must do in order to do their jobs correctly that go against church teachings. If Catholics do not agree, then they can either get a different job or find another church.]


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