21 June 2007


Another (few) quote(s) from The Subversion of Christianity by Jacques Ellul that I found interesting:

Security is always inevitably bought at the cost of freedom.
There is an exact equilibrium. The more security and guarantees we want against things, the less free we are. What we want is . . . the illusion of freedom.

Grace is intolerable, the Father is unbearable, weakness is discouraging, freedom is unlivable, spiritualization is deceptive.

Jesus tells us plainly that if we simply do as the world does, we can expect no thanks, for we are doing nothing out of the ordinary. We are to be perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect. No less. All else is a perversion.


Below is a quote from The Subversion of Christianity by Jacques Ellul that I found interesting:

I am saved by grace, agreed. But once this is done, it is done, is it not? I enter into a stable, solid state that is foreseeable and unchangeable. But lo! in salvation as in faith or freedom, I do not enter a fixed state. Salvation is not a finished thing. I never hold it. I never own it. It is not an acquired situation. I may lose it (Paul himself tells us so). Nothing is ever finished with God. I am never installed.