08 February 2007

"Half-True Blasphemy" pt.2

I totally agree with Hubmaier's belief that humans have free will. Hubmaier uses a distinction between body, soul, and spirit to explain how this works out. The body desires to do evil and the spirit desires to do good. It is the soul of humanity that is able to decide between the two of them to live according to the will of God or the will of the flesh. This is only possible because Christ has restored humanity to God's original intention of being able to choose between good and evil.

Don't misinterpret me. I am not saying that works save us or that humanity can save themselves by doing certain things. Humanity is totally depraved and unable to save themselves. Due to Christ's restorative sacrifice at Calvary, God has sent the Holy Spirit to draw humanity towards Himself.

Unlike some who believe that election by God is unconditional, I believe there is one, and only one, condition to being saved. That condition is faith. Ephesians 2:8-9 says that "we are saved by grace through faith". The grace of God is working throughout all of creation. Those who have faith are being saved. God desires all to be saved but there are some who don't have faith. The atonement was unlimited and it made it possible, but not probable, for all of humanity to be saved and restored to their rightful place as worshippers of the one true God.

This leads me to the belief that the grace of God is resistable. This is due to human free will. God desires all to be saved, Jesus died for all of humanity, and the Holy Spirit is at work in all of creation. Yet, some will not be saved because they do not have faith. To me, this means that the grace of God is resistable.

This also leads me to the troublesome conclusion that some people may be saved and then lose their salvation. Ephesians 2:10 says that we are "created to do good works that were prepared beforehand to be our way of life." So, we are saved by grace through faith to do good works. According to James 2:17 "faith without works is dead." We can say a prayer seeking forgiveness but if our life is not changed by this commitment then we are not saved. If we follow Christ's example, in faith, as a servant to humanity then we will be saved. If we cease to believe that God has saved us and that we are called to be shining lights of Christ's love for the rest of humanity then we are no longer saved.

"Half-True Blasphemy" pt.1

I have been reading a lot of Anabaptist theology lately. I have labeled myself as an Arminian and as an Anabaptist but after some current reading I really don't need the Arminian label to express what I believe. It seems that most of the Anbaptist thoughts that I have been reading agree a lot with Arminian theology without the influence of Jacobus Arminius (or his followers problems with John Calvin's followers).

The following is something interesting that Balthasar Hubmaier wrote in 1527 about the freedom of the human will:

"... the world is an even more evil place now than it was a thousand years ago. This is what our history books show. This has taken place, it hurts to say, under the cover of the gospel. For as soon as you say, it is written, 'Turn from evil and do good' (Psalm 37:27) the answer comes back, 'We cannot do good works. All things happen according to the plan of God, by necessity.' They think this is an excuse for sin. And if you go further and say, 'It is written, Whoever does evil will be cast into the fire' (John 5; Matthew 25), they quickly find some fig leaf to cover their shame and reply, 'Faith alone saves us, not our works.' ... These are half truths under which we ... cover aall sorts of fleshly laxity. ... we blame God for our sin and guilt ... God must be responsible for our sins! This is the greatest blasphemy on earth."

Hubmaier goes on later in this letter to say:

"By denying free will, much cause is given to evil peole to lay all of their sin and evil on God, saying, 'It must be God's will that i be an adulterer and run after harlots. Well, God's will be done! After all, who can thwart the will of God? If it was not God's will, I would not sin. When God wills it, I will stop sinning!' ... All of this is the work of an evil, sly, and blasphemous devil! I do not see how a more harmful Satan could arise among Christians to hinder righteousness and godliness on earth."

We need to take responsibililty for the way we live our lives. We need to stop blaming God for things that go wrong or the wrong things we do in our lives. God knows that we are sinners and allows sin to continue in the world. We are not led into temptation by God but by our own evil desires.

My prayer for my life is that I may resist my evil nature and bring glory to God in all that I do. This is possible by the grace of God the Father, the salvation provided by God the Son, and the sanctification being done by God the Holy Spirit.