06 November 2006


Recently somebody suggested that I talk about marriage and divorce.

I don't accept the state's authority to marry people. The state offers civil unions only. Therefore, it is totally okay for same-sex civil unions because this is done under the authority of the government, not God. Some may argue that the government is under the authority of God and I agree to an extent. No nation is a Christian nation and Christian ideals should not (but often are) be applied to the general public. As my brother (and numerous comics) says "Homosexuals should have the right to be just as miserable as heterosexuals."

I think that the term marriage should be reserved for religious commitment ceremonies presided over by a pastor under God's authority. Why would a non-believer want to be joined to another under a label used by the church? Christians should only marry Christians. They myth or idea of "missionary dating" or "flirting to convert" are total shams. Christians who try to justify marrying a non-Christian on the foundation of "love" have been misled and should seriously examine their faith in Christ or lack thereof.

I believe that marriage is to be for life and that divorce should not be so readily available. Marriage is not something that should be entered into without serious thinking through all of the changes that it may bring into your life. People change when they get married and they need to take into consideration those currently in their lives. Hopefully the new relationship will not take the place of or dominate old relationships with friends and family.

Despite having a couple of friends who have been divorced I am still against it. I know some will disagree with me and try to justify a different position but I don't think divorce is part of God's plan for Christians. We are to be different from the rest of the world and should try to preserve the seriousness and sanctity of marriage as much as possible.